Pittsfield: Halligan Residence

Tropical Storm Irene brought severe damage along the Tweed River in the towns of Pittsfield and Stockbridge. Overnight 5 to 7 inches of rain fell in the Tweed River Watershed causing record flash flooding that tore out bridges, roads, and homes. This case study focuses on the factors that contributed to the fluvial erosion that destroyed the Halligan home in Pittsfield below the confluence of Townsend Brook. In this site the Tweed River severely eroded a section of riverbank and carved a new channel through the property and the home.

• Damage to roads and bridges including damage to the Halligan home are included in the TS Irene Damage tab.
• Information about the watershed is included in the Watershed tab
• Information about the river reaches and the upstream factors that contribute to damage are included in the Stream Assessment tab

Tweed River Watersheds Flood Hazard Areas TS Irene Damage Stream Assessment Restoration Projects